Christian Ed Sunday Classes

Every Sunday until December 15, 2024

9:00am – 11:30am

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Adult and youth classes meet in the Life Center and children’s classes meet in the Children’s Center. Class times, locations, and descriptions are noted below. You are always welcome to visit a class at any time!

Nursery care is available at 9:00 & 10:30am for ages birth - 3 years old.

Nursery - PreK – God Loves Me! (Room 5)
The Bible is a story of God’s redeeming love! Our PreK children will hear this story loud and clear as we show and tell them about the love of Jesus.

Kinder - 2nd Grade – Obeying God – 9:00am (Room 3)
God tells us about himself in the Bible. Stories about the Old Testament prophets and kings will show us how God’s way is the best way to live. We can know God’s love, and grow in obedience and love for him.

3rd - 5th Grade – God's Grace in the Law - 9:00am (Room 6) 
God’s saves his people! In the book of Exodus God gives the greatest rescue in all of the Old Testament. He redeems his people! We will learn the Exodus story and the 10 commandments he gives to the people he graciously calls.

All Kinder-Grade 5 will meet together in Room 6 each week for a brief time of or welcome, worship, and catechism at 9:00am before joining their age specific class. Parents can pick up their children in their assigned rooms at 10:00am.

6th - 12th Grade – Seeing with the Bible (Room 102)
How do we look at the world with a Christian lens? The biblical narrative of the world competes with many opposing views. We need to understand what makes the Christian worldview so satisfying, and where others fall short. Moving through the Bible’s central story of creation, fall, redemption, and glorification, we will see the reliability of God’s word and the goodness of God and his plan.

*The Bible Fast Forward: Putting Together the Biblical Story (Room 200)
The Bible is one story of God’s grace. But sometimes we miss its unity and get lost in the details. Together we will see the unfolding plan of salvation in the Old Testament as God reveals through his covenants his grace that culminates in Jesus. We will gain an understanding of how the central elements of the Christian story of reality play out historically from creation to the cross.

*The Letters of John: Light, Truth, and Love (Room 200)
John’s letters give a clear picture of God’s redeeming love! Written to remind churches of the true, unchanging offer of salvation offered in the fully God, fully man Jesus. These letters point us to a life truly transformed calling us to turn away from sin and toward one another in love. This class will work through 1, 2, and 3 John.

*This class fulfills some of the prerequisites for church officer (elder or deacon) training.