Sunday Christian Ed Classes

Every Sunday until December 17, 2023

9:00am – 11:30am

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Classes are offered at 9:00 & 10:30am, at the same time as our worship services. Class times, locations, and descriptions are noted below. You are always welcome to visit a class at any time!

Nursery care is available at 9:00 & 10:30am for ages birth - 3 years old.

PreK – God Loves Me! (Room 5)
The Bible is a story of God’s redeeming love! Our PreK children will hear this story loud and clear as we show and tell them about the love of Jesus.

Kinder - 2nd Grade - Life Together (Room 3)
Why can it be difficult to get along? Where did sin come from? How does God take care of his people? Through stories from Genesis children will learn about God’s good plan for his people and his unchanging faithfulness.

3rd - 5th Grade - Knowing God (Room 6)
What is our only comfort in life and in death? What is God? How can we glory God? Using the New City Catechism we will explore answers to key questions about life from the Bible. Our goal is to show children the grace of God and equip them to be theologically robust, confident, virtuous, and courageous followers of Christ.

All Kinder-5th Graders will meet together at 9:00am in Room 6 each week for a brief welcome and catechism before joining their age-specific classes. Parents can pick up their children in their assigned rooms at 10:00am.

6th-12th Grade – Daniel  (Room 102)
Daniel was written to encourage a sinful, shamed, and conquered people with the hope that, even in their exile, God was still at work. In a world not our home the Christian life often looks like exile. Together students will look to the hope offered by the God of Daniel; a hope that endures today. Students need to know it's precisely when we are stuck in the “lions’ den” that God brings rescue.

Seeing God: How Our End Shapes Our Now (Room 200)
Some day Christians will see God (Rev. 22:4). Some day when we see Jesus we will be like him (1 John 3:2). Throughout church history "seeing God" has been a tremendous source of hope for the Christian, and has served as a direction for growth in Christ. Together we will look at passages from the Old and New Testaments that point us to our true and happy end. We will also consider how this eternal hope recenters our life on God in the present. 

Intro to Trinity Class (Room 201)
If you are newer to Trinity or would like to find out more information about the church, our Intro to Trinity class is for you! We will discuss Trinity's mission, vision and values as well as aspects of church life and theology. This class is one of the steps in becoming a member.

Cultivating Fruit: Growing in Christlikeness (Room 200)
A loving, joyful, anxiety-free life sounds idyllic. Does Christianity offer this life? In place of old patterns of behavior, God's word calls us to live by, walk by, and be led by the Spirit to a life filled with his fruit. Scripture places a high value on the fruit of the Spirit. Slowing down to carefully consider each facet of the fruit will allow us to feed on God's word together, as we grow in Christlikeness, and live fruitful lives. 

*This class fulfills some of the prerequisites for church officer (elder or deacon) training.