We hope you will come worship with us soon as we would love the opportunity to meet you! Newcomers visit every week from all different backgrounds and stages of life. We want you to feel welcome and have greeters available in the foyer to help you find where to go and answer any questions you may have. 

When do we meet?
We have two Sunday Worship Services with Sunday School classes at the same time.
9:00am - Worship Service & Sunday School classes
10:30am - Worship Service & Sunday School classes

What's worship like?
Our worship services present the truth of the gospel to us. The greatness of God is expounded, the problem of our sin addressed, and prayer appears frequently. We celebrate the Lord's Supper every Sunday. Why? We need God's grace! The music is spirited-traditional, encouraging, uplifting and a blend of new and traditional songs. Both services are similar in content/style and last approximately 1 hour.

Do you have Sunday morning classes?
Yes! Our Christian Education Sunday School classes for all ages help us form a world and life view that glorifies God and teaches us how to respond to a changing world. While the world is constantly changing, the message of the gospel remains the same. Our Sunday classes bring the message of the gospel and the content of Scripture to light for learning, discussion and application. For a schedule of class times, topics and ages visit here.

What are the sermons like?
Sermons at Trinity are an exposition and explanation of what the Bible says. Sermons take what the Bible says and applies it to our lives. We hear much of God's grace and mercy in sermons and our need to repent and follow Christ. You can listen to past sermons here.

Are you affiliated with a denomination?
We are a congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). The PCA is a group of churches dedicated to the truth of Scripture, the proclamation of the gospel, and finding hope in Christ. 

What happens after worship?
After worship, Trinity members and guests like to talk to each other and often will spend time together over lunch. With the number of new residents in Boerne, we enjoy connecting and getting to know each other.

We hope you visit Trinity sometime soon! We believe that being part of a church is both encouraging and inspiring as we seek to follow our Savior. If you would like more information about specific ministries at Trinity please stop by our Connection Center and fill out a Connect card and we will begin sending you our weekly email newsletters.

Where do I get there?
You can find us on Google Maps here. When you arrive, drive past the main building and look for a visitor parking spot on the front row to the right of the front door. We want you to feel welcome and have greeters available in the foyer to answer any questions and point you to where you need to go. You can check-in children ages newborn through 3 years old through our secure check-in system that helps ensure their safety. Learn more about our Children's Ministry here.